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Kim, H., & Florack, A. (2021). Immediate Self-information is Perceptually Prioritized over Expanded Self-information across Temporal, Social, Spatial, and Counterfactual Domains. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 74(9). https://doi.org/10.1177/17470218211004208
Schönbrodt, F. D., Hagemeyer, B., Brandstätter, V., Czikmantori, T., Gröpel, P., Hennecke, M., Israel, L. S. F., Janson, K. T., Kemper, N., Köllner, M. G., Kopp, P. M., Mojzisch, A., Müller-Hotop, R., Prüfer, J., Quirin, M., Scheidemann, B., Schiestel, L., Schulz-Hardt, S., Sust, L. N. N., ... Schultheiss, O. C. (2021). Measuring Implicit Motives with the Picture Story Exercise (PSE): Databases of Expert-Coded German Stories, Pictures, and Updated Picture Norms. Journal of Personality Assessment, 103(3), 392-405. https://doi.org/10.1080/00223891.2020.1726936
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Kim, H., & Florack, A. (2020). When Social Interaction Backfires: Frequent Social Interaction during the COVID-19 Pandemic Period Is Associated with Decreased Well-Being and Higher Panic Buying. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/sg5vx
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