Palcu, J., Florack, A., Diamantopoulos, A., & Halkias, G. (2017). Attention to Country-of-Origin Information: An Eye-Tracking Approach. in Proceedings of the American Marketing Association Winter Educators’ Conference

Halkias, G., Florack, A., Diamantopoulos, A., & Palcu, J. (2017). Country-Related Emotions as Mediators of the Relationship between Country Stereotype Dimensions and Brand Affect. in Proceedings of the 46th European Marketing Academy Conference

Florack, A., & Egger, M. (2017). How Selective Attention Shapes Consumers’ Preferences. Beitrag in 18th General Meeting of The European Association for Social Psychology
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Florack, A., & Egger, M. (2017). The Effect of Selective Attention on Preferences. Beitrag in La Londe Conference 2017, La Londe-les-Maures, Frankreich.

Florack, A., & Palcu, J. (2017). The psychology of branding. in C. Jansson-Boyd, & M. Zawisza (Hrsg.), International handbook of consumer psychology. Routledge.

Gurnaková, J., Sedlár, M., & Gröpel, P. (2017). Who Is the Champion? Performance Confidence and Actual Performance among Emergency Medical Services Crew Leaders. in J. Gore, & P. Ward (Hrsg.), Naturalistic decision making and uncertainty: Proceedings of the 13th bi-annual international conference on Naturalistic Decision Making (S. 217-220). The University of Bath.

Rollett, B., Florack, A., Klinger, D., Glaser, K., Hartmann, H., & Werneck, H. (2016). Persönlichkeit und Selbstregulation als Determinanten positiver versus negativer Freundschaftsbeziehungen im beginnenden Erwachsenenalter. Beitrag in 50. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Leipzig, Deutschland.

Palcu, J., Florack, A., Diamantopoulos, A., & Halkias, G. (2016). Attention to Country of Origin Information. Beitrag in Association for Consumer Research Conference (ACR 2016), Berlin, Deutschland.

Arslanagic-Kalajdzic, M., Zabkar, V., Diamantopoulos, A., & Florack, A. (2016). Brothers in Blood, Yet Strangers in Response to Global Brands: A Four-Country Study of the Role of Consumer Personality. Beitrag in 3rd AIB-CEE Chapter Conference, Prag, Tschechische Republik.

Florack, A., Genschow, O., & Palcu, J. (2016). Implizite Markenführung. in A. Schimansky (Hrsg.), Der neue Wert der Marke: Markenbewertungsverfahren für ein erfolgreiches Markenmanagement (2. Aufl.). Verlag Franz Vahlen GmbH.