Anastassiya Schacht, BA MA
Mitarbeiter*in Administration
Institut für Geschichte
Universität Wien
Universitätsring 1
1010 Wien
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Schacht A. Fractures overseen: soviet medical experts splitting from the international epistemic community during the interwar period. European Review of History: Revue européenne d'histoire. 2024 Feb 29;31(1):75-98. doi: 10.1080/13507486.2023.2296138
Grutza A, Kovács J, Pojar V, Schacht A. Rethinking the dark side of transnationalism from East Central and Eastern Europe. European Review of History: Revue européenne d'histoire. 2024 Feb 29;31(1):1-16. Epub 2024. doi: 10.1080/13507486.2023.2288103
Johnston R, (ed.), Panagiotidis J, (ed.), Ther P, (ed.), Baran-Szoltys M, (ed.), Nguyen Vu TL, (ed.), Peng S, (ed.) et al. Routledge Handbook of 1989 and the Great Transformation. Routledge, Taylor & Francis, 2024.
Schacht A. Sovietization of in Scholarly Cultures East of the Iron Curtain: Patterns of Coercion and Resilience. in Routledge Handbook of 1989 and the Great Transformation. 2024
Schacht A. „Was uns Schizophrenie heisst …“ – Das sowjetische Schizophreniebild in den 1970er und 1980er Jahren und dessen Integration in die internationale Klassifikation der Krankheiten. NTM Journal of History of Sciences, Technology, and Medicine. 2023 Dez;31(4):421-455. Epub 2023 Nov 20. doi: 10.1007/s00048-023-00371-0
Schacht A. Soviet Public Health and Its Pattern of Involved Non-Attachment in International Organizations. in Lerg CA, Östling J, Weiß J, Hrsg., History of Intellectual Culture: International Yearbook of Knowledge and Society. Band 2. Berlin, Boston: de Gruyter Oldenbourg. 2023. S. 3-27 doi: 10.1515/9783111078038-002
Schacht A. Power in Psychiatry: Soviet peer and lay hierarchies in the context of political abuse of psychiatry. History of Psychiatry. 2022 Mär;(1):21-33. Epub 2021 Okt 1. doi: 10.1177/0957154X211047805
Schacht A. Entering Kazakhstan: A new answer to how autocracies survive. Eurozine: the netmagazine. 2022 Jan 15.
Schacht A, Remestwenski I, (ed.). Protests in Kazakhstan (Viktoria Morasch): Transformative Podcast - by the Research Center for the History of Transformations (RECET) 2022.
Schacht A, Remestwenski I, (ed.). Modern Autocracies (Sergei Guriev): Transformative Podcast - by the Research Center for the History of Transformations (RECET) RECET. 2021.
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Vorträge & Aktivitäten
Zeige Ergebnisse 41 - 44 von 44
Schizophrenia: disease and/or dissent? – Soviet psychiatrists within the international peer community of the 1970s
Anastassiya Schacht
2. Schreibwerkstatt Psychologiegeschichte
26.9.2018 - 26.9.2018
Pure madness! – communicating the political abuse of psychiatry in the USSR within the international peer community
Anastassiya Schacht
12th GRACEH conference 2018
27.4.2018 - 27.4.2018
People and Ideas on the Move: Interaction, Interconnection and Entanglement
Andreas Enderlin-Mahr
Joanna Rozmus
Anastassiya Schacht
Mojmir Stransky
Pauli Aro
People and Ideas on the Move: Interaction, Interconnection and Entanglement
Organisation von ...
26.4.2018 - 28.4.2018
10th European Social Science History Conference
Anastassiya Schacht
10th European Social Science History Conference
Organisation von ...
23.4.2014 - 26.4.2014
Zeige Ergebnisse 41 - 44 von 44