Dr. Julia Gebke

Julia Gebke

Dr. Julia Gebke, B.A. M.A.

Universitätsring 1
1010 Wien

 u:find - Information about

Curriculum Vitae


  • Curriculum Vitae

    Professional Experience

    • since 05/2015 University Assistant (Postdoc), Institute for History, University of Vienna (Austria)
    • 09/2012-05/2015 University Assistant (Predoc), Centre for the History of Science, University of Graz (Austria)
    • 04-09/2012 Part-time Lecturer, Institute for History, University of Bremen (Germany)
    • 10/2008-03/2012 Teaching and Research Assistant, Institute for History, University of Bremen (Germany)
    • 01/2005-09/2008 Student Assistant, Institute for History, University of Bochum (Germany)



    • 03/2015 PhD in History at the University of Graz (Austria): “(Foreign) Bodies. Stigmatizing New Christians in Early Modern Spain“, supervisors: Dorothea Nolde and Simone De Angelis
    • 09/2009 and 02-03/2010 Research Stays in Madrid (Spain)
    • 06/2008 M.A. at the University of Bochum (Germany): “The Debate about Purity of Blood in the 16th and 17th Centuries”
    • 02/2006 B.A. at the University of Bochum (Germany): “Voltaire’s Impact on the Development of Tolerance in the 18th Century”
    • 10/2000-06/2008 History, French Literary Studies and Spanish Literary Studies at the University of Bochum (Germany) and Seville (Spain)
  • Awards
    • 2018 UNIVIE Teaching Award in the category “Learning to solve problems” from the University of Vienna for the Guided Reading: “Pious Princesses and Mighty Confessors? Religion – Power – Gender in Early Modern Times“
    • 2017 grant for a stand-alone publication from the Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
    • 2016 Award Michael Mitterauer Preis for the PhD-thesis from the Department of Economic and Social History of the University of Vienna
    • 2015 Award of Excellence for the PhD-thesis from the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy
  • Social Media



  • Research interests
    • Cultural History of Early Modern Diplomacy
    • History of Science, especially History of the Body and History of Medicine
    • Gender History
    • History of the Sephardic Jewry in Early Modern Times
  • Projects

    Current projects:

    • Chess(wo)men's Agency? Habsburg Princesses and Dynastic Diplomacy
      for detailed information see: Diplomacy in Conflict
    • NonSense. Sense Making in Premodern Times
      for detailed information see: Research Group Disability Studies
  • Conference organisation
    • Organisation of the international conference "Conflict Management in Modern Diplomacy (1500-1914)" (University of Vienna, 8-10 February 2018) with Dorothea Nolde
    • Organisation of the symposium "Observing – Depicting – Disseminating. The Scientific Perspective in the Modern Period" (Centre for History of Science, Graz, 7-9 May 2015) with Clemens Janisch, Florian Meixner and Thomas Durlacher ­­



Showing entries 11 - 11 out of 11
Himmlische Düfte - Höllischer Gestank: Überlegungen zu einer Kulturgeschichte der Sinne am Beispiel des 'foetor judaicus' im frühneuzeitlichen Spanien. / Gebke, Julia.
Ethnographien der Sinne: Wahrnehmung und Methode in empirisch-kulturwissenschaftlichen Forschungen. ed. / Lydia Maria Arantes; Elisa Rieger. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, 2014. p. 195-212.

Publications: Contribution to bookContribution to proceedings

Showing entries 11 - 11 out of 11


Gesamtverzeichnis der Vorträge und Aktivitäten

Showing entries 1 - 5 out of 25

Frühneuzeit-Info. Weblog des Instituts für die Erforschung der Frühen Neuzeit (Journal)

Julia Gebke , Julia Heinemann
Editor of journal or series
..2021 - ..2021

Secrecy and Loquacity. Female Leadership and Gender Bias in 16th century Western and Central Europe

Julia Gebke
OLIve Lecture Series. Open Learning Initiative 2020: 4. Cycle
Lecture series, colloquium, Talk or oral contribution
25.9.2020 - 30.9.2020

Blood and Faith. ‚Racism’ in the Iberian Peninsula in the 16th and 17th centuries / Blut und Glauben. ‚Rassismus’ auf der Iberischen Halbinsel im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert

Julia Gebke
OLIve Lecture Series. Open Learning Initiative 2020
Lecture series, colloquium, Talk or oral contribution
7.4.2020 - 7.4.2020

Pro- und Contra-Listen als Ausdruck frühneuzeitlicher 'bedenken'. Strategieplanung und Entscheidungsfindung am Kaiserhof Ende des 16. Jahrhunderts

Julia Gebke
"Judgment" und die Dynamiken des Informellen (in der Frühen Neuzeit)
Seminar/Workshop, Talk or oral contribution
22.11.2019 - 22.11.2019

Pure Blood, Pure Lineage? Genealogical Racism in Early Modern Iberia / Reines Blut, reiner Stammbaum? Genealogischer Rassismus auf der Iberischen Halbinsel in der Frühen Neuzeit (bilingual)

Julia Gebke
OLIve Lecture Series. Open Learning Initiative 2019
Lecture series, colloquium, Talk or oral contribution
14.11.2019 - 14.11.2019

Showing entries 1 - 5 out of 25