Mag. Dr. Alessandra Quaranta


Project Staff


Department of History
University Vienna
Universitätsring 1
1010 Wien

Curriculum Vitae


  • Education

    February 2016
    PhD in Humanities, Specialization in Historical Studies
    University of Trento, Department of Letters and Philosophy
    Title of the Dissertation: The Network of Correspondence between Italian and German-speaking Physicians in the Sixteenth Century: Freedom of Research, Circulation of Knowledge and Confessional Experiences
    Final judgment: "fully worthy of the title PhD"

    September 2014-May 2015
    Grantee of a Swiss Government Excellent Doctoral Scholarship
    University of Basel (Switzerland), Philosophical-Historical Faculty
    Tutor: Prof. Susanna Burghartz

    July 2012
    Master's Degree in Historical Sciences and Forms of Memory
    University of Trento, Department of Letters and Philosophy
    Final mark: 110/110 with honours

    October 2009
    Bachelor's Degree in Historical Sciences
    University of Trento, Department of Letters and Philosophy
    Final mark: 110/110 with honours

    Secondary education diploma in scientific studies
    Liceo Scientifico di Stato Nicolò Copernico, Brescia, Italy
    Final mark: 100/100 with honours

  • Academic positions held up to date

    October 2020
    Senior post-doctoral researcher in the frame of “Lise Meitner program”
    University of Vienna, Department of History
    Title of the project: Italian Physicians at the Habsburg Courts in the Second Half of the Sixteenth Century. Professional Relationships, Cultural Exchanges and Transmission of Knowledge 

    January-March and June-August 2020 
    In the frame of the project entitled Close Distance. Eine Wissensgeschichte europäischer Händlerkolonien, and conducted by Prof. Cornel Zwierlein (Freie-Universität Berlin, Friedrich-Meinecke-Institut), I transcribed an inventory of an apothecary in Cairo, which is dated to 1731 and kept in the repository of the English Chancellor’s Office. I also identified all medicaments recorded in the inventory.

    October-December 2019 and October-December 2018
    As Teaching assistant, I gave practical lessons for the class Methodology for Historical Research. 
    University of Trento, Department of Letters and Philosophy 

    October 2018
    Recipient of the title “Expert on the subject Early Modern History”
    University of Trento, Department of Letters and Philosophy
    By virtue of this role, I supported Prof. Giovanni Ciappelli in conducting final oral exams for both the subjects Early Modern History and Methodology for Historical Research in the academic years 2018-2019 and 2019-2020.   

    November 2016-November 2018
    Postdoctoral researcher 
    University of Trento, Department of Letters and Philosophy

    • Title of the research project: The Medical Activity in Trentino in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries: Tradition, Empirical Methods and Relationships with German-Speaking Area 
      The research project was carried out in collaboration with both the Professional Association of Physicians of Trento and the Fondazione Museo Storico del Trentino.
      The research was founded by both the University of Trento and Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio Trento e Rovereto (CaRiTro)

    November-December 2016
    Collaborator for the project of didactic innovation for the class Methodology for Historical Research
    University of Trento, Department of Letters and Philosophy

  • Other Achievements

    June 2014: Winner of the Best Graduate Award in the Department of Letters and Philosophy for AY 2011/2012 University of Trento

    October 2013: Winner of the Best Master's Degree Thesis Award University of Brescia and Fondazione della Comunità bresciana onlus Giacomo Gnutti



  • Main areas of research
    • Early Modern History
    • History of Medicine and Health Care
    • History of Pharmacy
    • History of Science
    • Cultural and Scientific Relationships between Italian and German-speaking territories in Early Modern Age
    • History of Culture, Press and Book Circulation
    • Social History
    • Gender Studies
    • Renaissance Studies
    • History of the Protestant Reformation in Italy
  • Projects
    • 2020-2022: Italian Physicians at the Habsburg Courts in the Second Half of the Sixteenth Century. Professional Relationships, Cultural Exchanges and Transmission of Knowledge
      • Tutor: Priv.-Doz. PhD DM. Sonia Horn
    • 2016-2018: Ärztliche Praxis in Trentino im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert. Tradition, empirische Methoden und Beziehungen mit dem deutschsprachigen Bereich
      • Tutor: Prof. Giovanni Ciappelli


Publications in u:cris

Showing entries 6 - 10 out of 25
Squarcialupi, Marcello. / Quaranta, Alessandra.
Ereticopedia. Dizionario di eretici, dissidenti e inquisitori nel mondo mediterraneo. Firenze: Edizioni CLORI, 2022.

Publications: Contribution to bookEntry for reference workPeer Reviewed

Francesco Partini da Rovereto (1500-1569), medico imperiale. La sua attività di cura e le sue reti professionali. / Quaranta, Alessandra.
In fürstlicher Nähe. Ärzte bei Hof (1450-1800). ed. / Marina Hilber; Elena Taddei. Innsbruck University Press, 2021. p. 53-72 (Innsbrucker Historische Studien, Vol. 33).

Publications: Contribution to bookChapterPeer Reviewed

Duni, Taddeo. / Quaranta, Alessandra.
Ereticopedia. Dizionario di eretici, dissidenti e inquisitori nel mondo mediterraneo. Firenze: Edizioni CLORI, 2020.

Publications: Contribution to bookEntry for reference workPeer Reviewed

Showing entries 6 - 10 out of 25