Günter Bischof

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Curriculum Vitae


  • Curriculum Vitae


    1989 Ph.D. Harvard University

    1983 M.A.   Harvard University

    1982 Mag. Phil. University of Innsbruck

    1980 M.A.   University of New Orleans



    2018- Marshall Plan Chair

    Spring 2016 Visiting Professor, University of Innsbruck

    June 2014 Visiting Professor, Hebrew University, Jerusalem

    2014 39th UNO Innsbruck Summer School, Academic Director

    2011-2014 UNO University Research Professor

    2003-04, 2007- Marshall Plan Professor of History

    2014 39th UNO Innsbruck Summer School, Academic Director

    2002- Director, CenterAustria

    2010 35th UNO Innsbruck Summer School, Academic Director

    2006-08 Chair, UNO History Department

    2008 Seminar Co-Chair “Transatlantic Relations,” European Forum Alpbach

    2008 Director and Faculty Member, UNO Summer Seminar in Prague, Czech Republic

    Fall 2005 Post-Katrina Visiting Professor at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge

    2005 30th  UNO Innsbruck Summer School, Academic Director

    Spring 2005, Spring 2008, Spring 2009, Spring 2010, 2012/13 Guest Professor, University of Economics and Business Administration, Vienna,

    May 2012 Guest Professor, University of Economics, Prague

    May 2012 Guest Professor, Russian University for the Humanities, Moscow

    Spring 2004 Guest Professor, University of Innsbruck,

    2000 Executive Director, Center for Austrian Culture and Commerce, UNO

    2001 26th UNO Innsbruck Summer School, Academic Director

    1999 Professor of History, UNO

    1997-00 Associate Director, Center for Austrian Culture and Commerce, UNO

    1994-99 Associate Professor of History, UNO

    1989-97 Associate Director, Eisenhower Center, UNO

    1998 Guest Professor, Department of History, Paris-Lodron-University Salzburg

    1998 Guest Professor, Department of Social and Economic History, University of Vienna

    1998 Guest Professor, Amerika Institut, Ludwig-Maximilian’s University Munich

    1992-94 Visiting Lecturer (with rank of Associate Professor), Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich

    1993, 1994 Guest Professor, Institute of Contemporary, History, University of Innsbruck

    1989-94 Assistant Professor of History, UNO

    1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1990, 1998, 2000, 2012 Instructor, Assistant and Associate Professor of History, UNO Summer School (Innsbruck) 1

    1988-89 Senior Thesis Advisor, Harvard University

    1987-88 Head Teaching Fellow, Harvard University

    1984-88 Teaching Fellow, Harvard University

    1987 Visiting Instructor, University of New Orleans


    The United States and World War I (1 sem lecture)

    World War I (1 sem. Lecture)

    Thesis writing and methodology (seminar)

    Introduction to International History (seminar)

    New Perspectives on World War II (graduate proseminar)

    The 1960s and the Crisis Year 1968: Transnational Perspectives (graduate proseminar)

    The End of the Cold War in Europe (graduate proseminar) The Origins of World War II (graduate proseminar)

    From Wilson to Schwarzenegger: Austrian – American Relations (graduate research seminar)

    Survey in American History (2 semester lecture) American Diplomatic History in the Twentieth Century (1 sem. lecture)

    American Empire (1 sem. Lecture) World War II (1 sem. lecture)

    The Cold War Era (1 sem. lecture)

    Rise of American Empire (1 sem. lecture) Modern China (1 sem. Lecture co-taught)

    The Politics of Anti-Communism in the U.S. (1 sem. lecture) The International History of World War II (1 sem. lecture) The Vietnam War (1 sem. proseminar or lecture)

    The American Presidency in the Cold War (1 sem. lecture) American Home Front during World War II (graduate seminar) Post-World War II Occupations (graduate seminar)

    The Marshall Plan (graduate seminar)

    Twentieth Century European Diplomatic History (grad.seminar) The Cold War (graduate proseminar and seminar)

    Origins of World War I (graduate proseminar)

    Origins of World War II and Interwar Diplomacy (grad. Proseminar) Hitler’s Germany (1 sem. lecture)

    History of the Habsburg Empire (1 sem. lecture) Austria in the Twentieth Century (1 sem. lecture) History of the Tyrol (1 sem. lecture)

    Conspiracy History (Privatissimum)




  • Awards


    Recipient of the senior “Research, Creativity & Scholarship Award” from the UNO Office of Research & Sponsored Programs 2018

    Elected as a regular member to the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, Class I, Philosophical and Cultural Studies 2014-

    Advisory Board, Ludwig Boltzman-Institut für Kriegsfolgenforschung
    publication series Kriegsfolgen-Forschung2014-

    UNO Gordon „Nick“ Mueller International Leadership Medallion 2013

    Ehrenkreuz fűr Wissenschaft und Kunst, 1. Klasse

    [Cross for Science and the Arts 1st Class] 2012

    Guest Scholar Award at the Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen in Vienna 2012

    Grosse Ehrenzeichen für Verdienste um die Republik Österreich [Grand Cross of Austria] 2007

    Marquis Who’s Who in American Education 8th ed. 2007 – 2008

    Honorary Citizen of the University of Innsbruck 2006

    Who’s Who in the World 2006-

    Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers 2006

    Marquis’ Who’s Who in American Education 59th ed. 2005

    Marquis’ 2004-2005 Who’s Who in American Education, 6th edition 2004

    Recipient Senior Research Award, UNO Alumni Association 2005

    Biannual Research Prize of the Dr. Wilfried-Haslauer Library, Salzburg 2003

    Who’s Who in the South and Southwest, 26th ed. 1999

    Nominated by UNO undergraduate Walter H. Claiborne for Who’s Who Among American Teachers 1998

    Guest Scholar Award at the Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen in Vienna 1998

    The UNO Alumni Association Early Career Achievement Award in Research 1991

    Co-recipient Ernest K. Gross Dissertation Award, Harvard History Dept. (“demonstrates the greatest promise of a distinguished career of historical research”) 1990

    Ludwig-Jedlicka Dissertation Award from the Austrian Ministry of Science for Best Dissertation in Austrian History 1990

    Certificate of Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, Danforth Center, Harvard University 1986

    Nominated for the Levenson Teaching Award, Harvard University 1989

    Marcus B. Christian Award for Best History M.A. Thesis, University of New Orleans1981

    Grants and Prizes

    2014 Visiting Fellow, European Forum, Hebrew University, Jerusalem

    2008-09 Research Award, Botstiber Foundation

    2007 Visiting Fellow, Oslo University

    1998, 2013 Visiting Fellow, Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen, Vienna

    Österreichische Forschungsgemeinschaft Travel Grant 1997

    Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Travel Grant 1993

    Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst

    Summer Grant 1993

    Austrian Cultural Institute, New York,Travel Grants 1988, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1997

    University of New Orleans Junior Faculty Summer Research Grant 1992

    University of New Orleans Research Grant 1990-1991

    Dissertation Fellow,

    Harry S. Truman Library Institute 1988-1989

    Research Grants,

    Charles Warren Center, Harvard University 1987, 1985

    Krupp Foundation Fellowship, Center for European Studies, Harvard University 1985-1986

    Funding: Principal Investigator

    Grant from the Austrian Marshall Plan Foundation to write a history of „The Marshall Plan in Austria“ (with Hans Petschar) 2016-2017

    Grant to raise Austrian Marshall Plan Chair Endowment From the Austrian Marshall Plan Foundation 2016-2017

    Grant from the Zukunftsfonds der Republik Österreich

    To write their 10-year history (with Barbara Stelzl-Marx) 2015-2016

    Grants from the Austrian Marshall Plan Foundation 2015-2016

    Multiple Grants, OEAD, Austrian Ministry of Science Ludwig Boltzmann Institut für Kriegsfolgen-Forschung 2008-

    Grant awards from the Botstiber Foundation 2007-10

    Ludwig Boltzmann Institut für Kriegsfolgen-Forschung Graz research project „The Vienna Summit of 1961” 2009-11

    Austrian Marshall-Plan Anniversary Foundation, gift for rebuilding UNO after Hurricane Katrina 2006-

    Austrian Marshall-Plan Anniversary Foundation, one-million dollar funding raised for “Marshall Plan Chair in Austrian Studies” and “Marshall Plan Professor in Austrian Studies” at University of New Orleans 2000-

    Austrian Cultural Institute/New York Grant for the Symposium “Satchmo Meets Amadeus [Principal Grant Writer] 2000

    Austrian Cultural Institute/New York Grant for the Symposium “A First Assessment of the Austrian EU Presidency” [Principal Grant Writer]1999

    ERP-Fonds Grant for Contemporary Austrian Studies [Principal Grant Writer]     1999

    ERP-Fonds of Austria Grant for the Center Austria Conference “The Marshall Plan in Austria”[Principal grant writer] 1998

    Austrian Cultural Institute/New York grant for Center Austria Conference “The Marshall Plan in Austria” [Principal Grant writer] 1998

    Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities Grants for Eisenhower Center Centenary Lecture Series [Principal grant writer] 1990

    Louisiana 8-g Grant for the Humanities [grant support-writer with Metro College/Eisenhower Center]1991


    A. Manuscripts under submission

    B. Course development

    HIST 4570 The International History of the Second World War [added to the catalogue in 1993]

    HIST 4575 The Cold War Era [added to the catalogue in 1996]

    HIST 2991 and HIST 4991 Austria in the Twentieth Century

    Chaired LA committee on Minor in European Studies (added to course catalogue in 2000)

    Participated in LA committee on B.A. degree in International Studies (passed by LSU Board 2001)

    D. Academic service

    a. On-campus

    QED, university-wide committee 2014/15

    Chaired the History Department’s “Faculty Evaluations Committee,” Fall 2013

    Member UNO Faculty Senate, Spring 2012

    Co-Chair, Fundraising Steering Committee, Center for International Studies at UNO,2008-2012

    Chair, History Department, 2006-2008

    Faculty Advisory Board of Bachelor of Arts in International Studies, 2003-

    Graduate Advisory Committee, History Department, 2002-4

    Organizer of George Windell Distinguished Lecture Series, UNO History Department, 1995-2005, 2010-

    Founder and organizer of Joseph Logsdon distinguished Lecture Series, UNO History Department, 2000-

    Founder and organizer of UNO’s CenterAustria

    Marshall Plan Anniversary Chair distinguished lecture series, 2001-

    Founder and organizer of UNO’s CenterAustria lunch talks series,1999-

    Member of Dean of Liberal Arts Committee on International Relations
    B.A. Program, 1996-97, resulting in letter of intent and adoption of new “Bachelor of Arts in International Studies”, initiated as a degree program in 2003
    Member of College of Liberal Arts
    "Courses and Curriculum Committee", 1995-1997, 1999-2000
    Member of Liberal Arts Committee on Faculty Summer Grants, 1995

    Member of History Department Study Group on Distance Learning, 1996
    Initiated Eisenhower Center Occasional Lecture Series and Seminars (some two dozen lectures given--mostly by international visitors--since coming to UNO); initiated a regular newsletter The Crusade to be published; planned, co-organized and helped internationalize the Eisenhower Center annual spring conferences [see 5.B.2.]; served on initial informal committees for the Eisenhower Center D-Day Museum Project.

    Co-founding coordinator of the International Working Group on POWs under the auspices of the Eisenhower Center [with a dozen scholars from all over the world as permanent committee members]; 3 symposia organized and 2 panels at professional conference.

    Serving on various UNO-Univ. of Innsbruck informal committees set up to implement the UNO-Innsbruck friendship treaty, such as organizing the annual symposia, serving as liaison in the selection and counseling of Innsbruck students at UNO, lecturing to the Innsbruck student program at UNO, and teaching for eight summers for the UNO Innsbruck summer school.

    Organizing major funding (1 million dollars) and ongoing selection since 2000 of Marshall Plan Anniversary Chair of Austrian Studies at UNO

    Lectured for Metro College evening lecture series such as Velvet Revolution, D-Day Remembered Education Program, and After the Gulf War.

    Gave slide show on "Vienna: At the Crossroads of a New Europe" for the International Horizon dinner series of UNO Metro College.

    Spoke to visiting school groups for the UNO Public Affairs Bureau.

    Organized on-campus visits for various State Department/Council for International Visitors-sponsored future leaders from abroad; set up a visit from a representative of the German Bosch Foundation.


    b. Off-Campus (community service)

    Lectured at Gretna German Heritage Center, 2013, 2015

    Board member, World Affairs Council of New Orleans, 2012-2013

    President, Harvard Club of Louisiana & Vice President for Programming, 2009-2011

    Vice President for Programming Harvard Club of LA, 2008

    Regular lecturer at public libraries for the RELIC-Program, Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities

    Presidential Counselor, regular consultant and member of Advisory Board and Education Committee of the future Center for the Study of the American National Spirit, America’s National WW II Museum
    (National World War II Museum), 2004-

    Member of Education Committee, National World War II Museum, 2004-

    Founding Chair of International Advisory Board for Austrian, Marshall-Plan Jubiläumsstiftung, 2000-

    Member of Austrian Vice Chancellor’s Expert Commission Österreich zukunftsreich: Denk-Pfeiler ins 21. Jahrhundert [The Future of Austria: Thinking about the 21st Century], Vienna 1998
    Submitted sections to Stefan Karner, “Aus der Zeitgeschichte,” in: Stefan Karner, ed., Österreich Zukunftsreich: Denkpfeiler ins 21. Jahrhundert (Vienna: ManuMedia, 1999), 434-6, 439-40, 442-44.

    Parents’ representative to Lafourche Public Schools Textbook Selection Committee 1999

    Secretary-Treasurer, Harvard Club of Louisiana, 1996-97

    Board member (and one-year term as Vice President, World Affairs Council of New Orleans, 2002-2005, 2012-

    Board member of New Orleans Council for International Visitor, 1990-1992

    Consultant for Eisenhower Center on D-Day Documentary, 1994-1995

    Consultant for the Historic New Orleans Collection exhibit Over Here! The New Orleans Home Front in World War II, and coordinator of the accompanying lecture series, 1992

    Lectured on “World War II Prisoners of War,” “The Fall of the Berlin Wall 1989” and “The Vienna Summit and the Building of the Berlin Wall, 1961” at Deutsches Haus in New Orleans, 1998, 2009, 2012, 2014

    Lectured on “Austrian National Holiday” for Club Schönbrunn, New Orleans, 2007

    Lectured on “Churchill and the Cold War” for Churchill Society of New Orleans, 2006

    Panelist in discussion on the Exhibition “Nazi Deadly Medicine”, National World War II Museum, 2012

    Lectured on “Marshall Plan,” “POWs in World War II” for National World War II Museum, “Life Behind Barbed Wire,” and “The Origins of the Cold War” in Lunchbox Series, National World War II Museum, New Orleans, 2006, 2007, 2011, 2012

    Lectures given at the German-American Cultural Center, Gretna, LA, 2012, 2015

    Lectured on “German POWs in the United States during World War II,”
    Houma World War II Museum Roundtable, Terrebonne Public Library, Gray, LA 2012

    Lectured for the Christwood Retirement Community lecture series on WWII, 2000.

    Lectured on "The Origins of the Cold War" for the Navy War College Strategy and Policy Seminar, 1991

    Lectured on "Austria in the New Europe" for the Foreign Relations Association of New Orleans, 1990

    Lectured on "Austria and the Cold War" for the New Orleans Area History Seminar,1990





  • Research interests
    • American Diplomatic History
    • The American Century: Americanization and Anti-Americanism The International History the Cold War
    • Post-1945 U.S. History
    • Post-1945 Austrian and German History World War II in Historical Memory
    • The Treatment of Prisoners in and after World War II Post-World War II American Occupations
    • Comparative Contemporary History and International Relations Oral History Methodology and Biography
    • Biography



  • Conference organisation

    Instigator, Coordinator and/or Organizer of International Conferences and Symposia

    Co-Organizer (with OEAD Vienna) of Annual Meeting of Austrian Centers, New Orleans, Oct. 9-11, 2017

    Co-organizer (with Oliver Rathkolb and “Haus der Geschichte”), “Vienna 1900: Current Discourses on Fin-de-siècle Vienna,” International Workshop, Center Austria, UNO, Oct 24-25, 2016

    Organizer “Quiet Invaders” Revisited Workshop: An Assessment of the State of Research of Austrian Migration Biographies to the United States,” Vienna, June 17-19, 2015

    Co-organizer “Cities and Landscapes: Considering New Orleans and Innsbruck as Multiple Landscapes,” University of Innsbruck – University of New Orleans Annual Symposium, June 24, 2015 – June 27, 2015

    CenterAustria/University of New Orleans – University of Innsbruck Annual Symposium, Enduring Cultures: Indigenous Responses to Changing Environments in the 21st Century, UNO, February 11-12, 2014

    8th Annual Regional International Security/Internal Safety Conference, National World War II Museum, New Orleans, Feb. 7-8, 2014

    Workshop on Regional Economic Development in the European Union and the United States, organized by UNO’s CenterAustria and the Austrian Marshall Plan Foundation of Vienna, New Orleans, Oct. 20-21, 2013

    Co-organizer of the annual UNO – University of Innsbruck Symposium “The Life and Work of Gűnther Anders: Émigré, Iconoclast, Philosopher, Literateur,” and chair of panel “Historical Contexts,” New Orleans, LA, March 14-15, 2013

    Co-organizer of symposium at Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, March 25, 2011

    Chair, Annual Meeting of Austrian Studies Center, CenterAustria, New Orleans, October 27-30, 2010

    Co-Chair, Annual International Security/Internal Safety (IS/IS) Conference, February 26/27, 2010, National World War II Museum, New Orleans, LA

    Chair, International Student Mobility in the Global Age – Best Practices in Europe and the

    United States, February 12, 2010, Renaissance Arts Hotel, New Orleans

    With the Austrian Marshall Plan Foundation and the University of Vienna, “Images of the Marshall Plan: Film, Photographs, Exhibits, Posters,” Vienna, May 19-20, 2008

    Member of Program Committee for “Real to Reel: WW II in Film, Newsreels & Documentaries,” The National World War II Museum, New Orleans, April 10-12, 2008

    With the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for the Study of the Consequences of War, Graz, Austria “Prague Spring and the Warsaw Pact Invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968,” International Symposium, UNO Library, New Orleans, April 3-4, 2008

    With the Department of English of the University of Innsbruck, “The Controversy about the Slave Trade in Britain,” International Workshop, CenterAustria, University of New Orleans, February 26, 2008

    With the Canadian Studies Center of the University of Innsbruck “Acadians and Cajuns: The Politics and Culture of French Minorities in North America,” Annual UNO – Innsbruck Symposium, 6 – 7 September 2007, Innsbruck, Austria

    Conference Co-Chair of The International Conference on World War II “The War That Changed the World,” The National WW II Museum New Orleans, New Orleans, November 16-19, 2006

    “Satchmo Meets Amadeus,” joint conference CenterAustria/UNO with the University of Salzburg and the Salzburg Mozarteum, Sept. 28 – I Oct, 2006, with photo exhibit “Vor dem Sturm – The Soul of New Orleans: Fotografien von Michael P. Smith in Salzburger Museum Carolino Augusteum, Sept. 28- Jan. 7, 2007, Salzburg, Austria.

    “Lessons from the Past for the Rebuilding of New Orleans and the Gulf Coast: The Marshall Plan and the Reconstruction of Postwar Europe,” co-chair with America’s World War II Museum, April 21, 2006

    ’A Cold War Miracle’: The Austrian State Treaty at 50,” Mar. 28, 2005, Roundtable at CenterAustria, University of New Orleans

    Austrian – Latin American Relations,” June 17-18, 2005, joint conference CenterAustria/UNO with Institute of Contemporary History/University of Innsbruck,

    Innsbruck, Austria

    Creole New Orleans,” Nov. 8-10, 2005, Austrian Association of American Studies Annual Conference jointly organized by CenterAustria/UNO with American Studies Department/University of Innsbruck [cancelled due to Hurricane Katrina]

    Theodor Herzl: Centennial of His Death,” Symposium organized by UNO’s

    CenterAustria and the Jewish Studies Program of Tulane University, October 4-5 2004

    The Privatization of Urban Space,” annual UNO – Univ. of Innsbruck Symposium,

    CenterAustria, UNO, New Orleans, February 26-28 2004

    Towards a European Constitution? Historical,“Political and Comparative Aspects: Europe – U.S.,” Annual UNO-Innsbruck Symposium organized by the University of Innsbruck’s Institute of Contemporary History, UNO’s Center Austria, the University of Bonn’s Center for European Integration Studies, Innsbruck, Austria,

    May 5 – 7, 2003

    Kriegsgefangene des 2. Weltkriegs,” international conference organized by UNO’s CenterAustria with the Ludwig-Boltzmann Institut für Kriegsfolgensforschung, Graz, Austria, May 8 – 10, 2003 [chaired session]

    Austria – Americas Project: Political, Social, Cultural, Migration,” CenterAustria workshop organized with the Institute of Contemporary History, University of Innsbruck and the Institute of History, University of Vienna, Innsbruck, to define and launch multi- year and multinational research project, Austria, June 27 -28, 2003 [chaired meeting]

    Commissioning History in the United States, Germany, and Austria: Historical Commissions, Victims, and World War II Restitution,” International Conference organized by CenterAustria, the German Historical Institute in Washington, D.C., and The National D-Day Museum, The National D-Day Museum. New Orleans, LA [chaired session]

    The Americanization/Westernization of Austria in the Twentieth Century,” UNO- Innsbruck Symposium, New Orleans, May 2002 [chaired session]

    “Austria and the EU,”UNO-Innsbruck Symposium, Innsbruck, May 2001

    Satchmo Meets Amadeus: New Orleans and Salzburg — Two Cities and Their Sounds of Music,” UNO-Innsbruck Symposium together with University of Salzburg, New Orleans, May 2000 [chaired sessions]

    A First Assessment of the Austrian EU-Presidency,” Center Austria Symposium, New Orleans, March 1999 [chaired session].

    With Dieter Stiefel/Vienna, “The Marshall Plan in Austria,” UNO CenterAustria- Innsbruck Symposium, New Orleans, May 1998 [gave paper and chaired session]

    With Berndt Ostendorf/Munich, lecture series “Kriegsgefangene, Besatzer und Besetzte am Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs” in Bayern und Deutschland, Amerika House Munich, May/June 1998 [gave paper and chaired session]

    With Saki Dockrill/London, "The Geneva Summit of 1995", Eisenhower Center Symposium, New Orleans, October 1995 [gave paper and chaired session].

    With Franz Mathis/Innsbruck, "Historical Memory and the Creation of National Identity in a Comparative Perspective: Austria and the United States," University of New Orleans

    - University of Innsbruck Annual Symposium, Innsbruck, June 1995 [gave introduction and chaired session].

    With Wolfgang Krieger and Hermann Graml/Munich, "6. Juni 1944: Die allierte Invasion in Historischer Perspektive," Ring Lecture Series, University of Munich, Summer Semester 1994 [gave lecture and chaired sessions].

    With Stephen E. Ambrose, "D-Day Remembered," Eisenhower Center Conference, New Orleans, May 1994 [gave paper and chaired session].

    Workshop coordinator/Munich, "American Isolationism after World War II," European Association for American Studies, Luxembourg, March 1994 [chair].

    With Rolf Steininger/Innsbruck and Rüdiger Overmans/Freiburg, "The Treatment of POWs during World War II," International Working Group on POWs, University of Innsbruck, November 1993 [chaired session].

    With Rolf Steininger/Innsbruck, "Austria 1949-1961," UNO-Univ. of Innsbruck Annual Symposium, Univ. of Innsbruck, May 1992 [gave paper].

    With Military History Office, Freiburg, and Institute of Contemporary History, Innsbruck, "The Treatment of POWs during and after World War II: A Global Comparison," Eisenhower Center symposium, New Orleans, October 1992.

    With Center for War, Peace and the News Media/New York, European Security Network Regional Briefing Porgram for Journalists from the South, "Myths and Realities of European Integration," New Orleans December 1992.

    "New Orleans Home Front during World War II," Gallery Talks at the Historic New Orleans Collection, Spring 1992.

    With Stephen E. Ambrose, "Home Fronts During World War II: A Comparative Perspective," Eisenhower Center Annual Spring Conference, UNO [chaired session].

    With Stephen E. Ambrose, "The Pacific War," Eisenhower Center Annual Spring Conference, UNO, April 1991 [chaired session].

    With Rolf Steininger/Innsbruck, "Vom Atlantik zum Ural: Europäische Sicherheit und die deutsche Frage zu Beginn der fünfziger Jahre," Bavarian Political Academy, Tutzing, May 1991.

    With Gunther Mai/Marburg, "'Allied Enemies' in a Comparative Perspective: The Impact of the Post-World War II Occupations on Germany, Austria, Italy, Japan, and Korea," Charles Warren Center, Harvard University, March 1991.

    With Stephen E. Ambrose, ”Eisenhower and the German POWs,” Eisenhower Center Conference, New Orleans, LA, December 1990

    With Stephen E. Ambrose, "The French Resistance and the Battle of France 1944," Eisenhower Center Annual Spring Conference, New Orleans, May 1990 [chaired a session].

    With Stephen E. Ambrose, "Eisenhower Centenary Lecture Series," Eisenhower Center Lectures, University of New Orleans, 1990.

    With Metropolitan College, UNO, "The Velvet Revolution: Eastern Europe in Transition," Eisenhower Center Occasional Lectures, University of New Orleans, Spring 1990 [gave paper and chaired session].

    With Josef Leidenfrost/Vienna, "Die bevormundete Nation?: Österreich und die Alliierten 1945-1949,” Vienna 1987.


    Curator of exhibit “1989 Year of Miracles: Austria and the End of the Cold War” commissioned by the Austrian Cultural Forum in New York and shown at the Austrian Embassy in Washington, D.C., the National World War II Museum in New Orleans, at the Harriman Institute of Columbia University in New York City, and at Michigan State University (September 2009 – March 2010).

Professional Service


  • Editorship, Fellowships and Memberships

    Editorships, Board Memberships, Professional Prize Committees

    2017 Advisory Board, Journal of Austrian-American History

    2017 Advisory Board Member of the Research Project “The Austrian Presidential Elections 2016: A Case Study in Visual Political Storytelling”

    2017 – Advisory Board, Filmography, George C. Marshall Foundation, Lexington, VA

    2013 - 2014 American Historical Association’s George Louis Beer Prize for best book in European international history since 1895

    2010-2014 SHAEFR Prize Committee, Member for Norman and Laura Graebner Award

    2011- Board Member, Salzburg Institute of Gordon College

    2008- Board Member, Botstiber Institute for Austrian- American Relations

    2008-Board member American Friends of the Documentation Center of Austrian Resistance

    2007- Presidential Counselor, National World War II Museum

    2007- Editorial Advisory Board, Journal for Intelligence, Propaganda, and Security Studies

    2004- Manuscripts Review Board of Zeitgeschichte

    2011- 2014 Board Member, Harvard Club of Louisiana

    1997-2005 Board of Editors, H-German [on H-Net]

    Advisory Editor for Europe Since 1945: An Encyclopedia, 2 vols., Bernard Cook, ed. (New York: Garland Press, 2001).

    Co-founding series editor of Eisenhower Center Studies of War and Peace published by Louisiana State University Press [10 volumes published].

    Co-founding editor of Contemporary Austrian Studies published by Transaction, Rutgers University, N.J. [21 volumes published, 1 volume in progress, 1 volume in planning].

    Founding editor of Studies in Austrian and Central European History and Culture published by Transaction [3 volumes published]

    Founding Editor of TRANSATLANTICA published by Studienverlag Innsbruck, Austria [5 volumes published, 2 volumes in planning] 

    Professional Society Memberships (Current and Past)

    American Historical Association Society of Military History

    Society of Historians for American Foreign Relations

    German Studies Association

    Austrian Association for American Studies German Association for World War II Studies Foreign Relations Association of New Orleans

  • Reviewer

Superviced Thesis





    a. Directed and Chaired M.A. Committees of:

    Claire DeLucca, “Both Sides of the Barbed Wire: German Prisoners of War and African American Lives in Camp Claiborne, Louisiana 1944-1946,” 2018

    John D’Antoni, “The Home Front: The Experience of Soldiers and Civilians in the Louisiana Maneuvers of 1940 and 1941,” 2018

    Jacob H. Solbrig, “Stasi Brainwashing in the GDR 1957-1990,” 2017

    Peter Casey, “Following the Spirit of the Law: Col. Eberhard P. Deutsch and the Legal Division of United States Forces Austria, 1945-1946,” 2017

    Dylan Canatella, “The General’s Take on Education: Anti-Intellectualism, The Cold War and Eisenhower’s Columbia University Presidency,” 2017

    Ben Birdwhistell, “Manipulated Museum History and Silenced Memories of Aggression: Historical Revisionism and Japanese Government Censorship of Peace Museums,” 2017

    Edward Lawrence, “’In this Dark Hour’”: Stefan Zweig and Historical Displacement in Brazil, 1941-1942,” 2017

    Ted P. Tindell, “The Cultural and Collective Memory of the Hungarian Revolution of 1956,” 2017

    Saber Farhud, “The Second Intifada in the Palestinian City of Ramallah: Social, Economic and Political Consequences,” 2016

    Brad Spencer, “Casey Saw It Through”: Guy “Machine Gun” Molony and the Creation of a Rugged Individual,” 2016

    Daniel McCoy, “‘Our Responsibility and Privilege to Fight Freedom’s Fight’: Neoconservatism, the Project for the New American Century, and the Making of the Invasion of Iraq in 2003,” 2016

    Brandon Keene, “A Crusade against the ‘Cowboy’? Austrian Anti-Americanism during the Presidency of George W. Bush, 2001-2009,” 2015

    Hannah Dailey, “The History and Memory of the Assassination of Lord Moyne,” Spring 2014

    Paul Hebert, “A Calculated Risk: The Effects of Nicolae Ceauşescu’s Denunciation of the 1968 Warsaw Pact Invasion of Czechoslovakia on US-Romanian Relations,” 2014

    Dustin Craig Whittington, “A Panzer Commander ‘Working Toward the Führer’: The World War II Career of Generaloberst Hermann Hoth,” 2012

    Stefan Louis Lallinger, “Madison, Hamilton, and Reagan: The Limits of Executive Power in Foreign Policy and the Reagan Intervention in Nicaragua," 2011

    Fernando Rodriguez,” The 1991 Madrid Conference: U.S. Efforts Towards Lasting Peace in the Middle East Between Israel and Its Neighbors,” Spring 2011

    Ryan B. Prechter, “’The Highest Type of Loyalty’: The Struggle for Americanism in Louisiana during the Age of Communist Ascendancy, 1930s-1960s,” 2011

    Philipp L. Strobl, “’Too Little to Live and too Much to Die’: The Burgenländers’ Immigration to the United States during the Interwar Period,” 2010

    Robert Janous. “’The War Comes First’: Lt. Col. Francis Carroll Grevemberg and the Development of a World War II Antiaircraft Artillery Officer,” 2010

    Gregory J. Schloesser, “The Bomb on the Bayou: Nuclear Fear in New Orleans,” 2010

    John S. Berteau, ”U.S.-Austrian Relations in the Pre-Anschluss Period: FDR’s Unwillingness for War,” 2007

    Ronnie D. Johnson, “An Unlikely Champion: Congressman Mario Biaggi and the Beginnings of a Negotiated Settlement in Northern Ireland,“ 2007

    Traci Donnellan Howerton, “The Southern Debate over the Passage of the Marshall Plan in Congress, 1947-1948,” 2007

    Scott Manguno, “Egyptian-British-American Triangular Relations in the 1920s: Egypt’s Efforts to Break Free of Colonial Tutelage,” 2007

    Kristi Renee Wallace, “Making Citizens in the South: Louisiana’s Fight for Progressive Education Reform in the 1930s,” 2006

    Richard D. Williamson, “The Berlin Crisis of 1958/59: A Case of Pragmatic Restraint,” 2006

    Charles J. Fontana III, “Eisenhower and Dulles and the Effects of Anti-Communist Policy in the Near East,” 2006

    Alexander Shelby, “Anthony Eden, the Egypt Committee, and the Politics of Prestige during the Suez Crisis,” 2006

    Lucas T. Cuccia II, “Evolution of Mission: The Transformation of Marine Defense Battalions in the Second World War,” 2004

    Tom A. Adams, “The Trial of Harry Dexter White: Soviet Agent of Influence,” 2004 Celine Grasset, “De Gaulle’s Third Way: The French Withdrawal from NATO,” 2004

    Gerald J. Judd, “The Manchurian Candidate Revisited: The Treatment and Conditioning of American Prisoners of War in the Korean War, 1950-1953” 2003

    Benjamin Crawford, “The U.S. and Neutrality in Austria and Laos,” 2003

    John D. Fitzmorris III, “We Had Resigned from the Human Race: Combat Veterans and the Erosion of the Human Will,” 2002

    Davis Butler, “Cold War Artillery Doctrine and Equipment: The Development of Counterfire and Its Use in the Persian Gulf War, 1972-1991,” 2000

    Christopher Morton, “Crescent City Marines: A History of the Organized Marine Corps Reserve in New Orleans 1899-1945,” 2000

    Günther Walder, “‘Waging Peace’: Eisenhower’s Psychological Warfare Cold War Strategies in Italy, 1952-1960,” 1999 [posted in UNO’s CenterAustria homepage www.centeraustria.uno.edu]

    Christos Frentzos, “The Pueblo Incident: The Failure of America’s Intelligence Bureaucracy,” 1996

    Staci E. Williams, “Making Politics: with a Friendly Tyrant: The Carter Administration’s Struggle with the U.S. House of Representatives over Human Rights and U.S. Security Assistance to Nicaragua,” 1996

    Rudolph R. Horvath, “Cautious Politics: An Assessment of Eisenhower’s Reaction to the Challenge of Hungary, 1952-1956,” 1996

    David W. Clarke, "The Utilization of P.O.W. Labor in Louisiana During World War II: A Comparison of Wehrmacht P.O.W. Labor Productivity With That of Prewar Civilian Agricultural Labor," 1994

    Alexandra M. Friedrich, "POW's: Victims of the Cold War? A Comparative Analysis of the Prisoner of War Issue in the Korean and Vietnam War Armistice and Peace Negotiations,” 1993

    Thomas M. Sisk, "Forging the Weapon: Dwight D. Eisenhower as NATO's Supreme Allied Commander, Europe," 1993 [published in Bischof/Ambrose, eds., Eisenhower: A Centenary Assessment, 1995]

    a.    Sat on M.A. Committees of:

    Ralson P. Cole, “The Combat in France of the U.S. 360th Infantry Regiment and the Death of First Lieutenant George P. Cole on November 2, 1918, in the Battle of Meuse-Argonne,” 2018

    Titus Firmin, “‘Geaux Guard’ and the Shift to the All-Volunteer Force: The Economics of the Louisiana Army National Guard, 1973-1991,” 2018

    David Lee Bergeron, “Fighting for Survival: USS Yorktown (CV5) Damage Control Experiences in 1942,” 2016

    Rhett Breerwood, “From Containing Communism to Fighting Floods: The Louisiana Army National Guard in the Cold War, 1946-1965,” 2015

    Catherine Cauley, “Queering the WAC: The World War II Military Experience of Queer Women,” 2015

    Patrick Stephens, “Major League Baseball and World War II: Protecting The Monopoly by Selling Major League Baseball as Patriotic,” Spring 2014

    Kathryn Keenan Conley, “The Making of an American Imperialist: Major Edward Austin Burke, Reconstruction New Orleans, and the Road to Central America,” Spring 2012

    Megan Franich, “Works of Art, Arts for Work: Caroline Wogan Durieux, the Works Progress Administration, and the U.S. State Department” Spring 2010

    Nels M. Abrams, “The Making of Audubon Park: Competing Ideologies for Public Space,” 2010

    Lydia A. Soileau, “The Germans of Roberts Cove, Louisiana: German Rice Cultivation and Making of a German-American Community in Acadia Parish, 1881-1917,” 2010

    Robert Lorenz, “Catholic Student Protest and Campus Change at Loyola University in New Orleans, 1964-1971,” 2009

    Stephen E. Martin “Explaining the Holocaust: Ernest Becker and the ‘Heroic Nazi’,” 2009

    Richard Christian Bilich, “Climate Change and the Great Plague Pandemics of History: Causal Link Between Global Climate Fluctuations and Yersinia Pestis Contagion?,” 2007

    Alan G. Gauthreaux, “An Inhospitable Land: Anti-Italian Sentiment and Violence in Louisiana, 1891-1924,” 2007

    David Patrick Johnson, “Selling ‘Operation Passage to Freedom’: Dr. Thomas Dooley and the Religious Overtones of Early American Involvement in Vietnam,” 2006

    Daniela Jaeger, “The Worst ‘White Lynching’: Elites vs. Italians in New Orleans, 1891,” 2001

    Markus Hünemörder,”The Local Side of Nation-building: Connecticut’s Ratification of the Constitution 1787-88,” 1996.

    Shawn Savage, “Diego Rivera, Mutual Cultural Affinities, and the Detroit Industry Murals,” 1995.

    Stelios Zachariou, "The Road to the Garrison State: Greek-American Relations 1952 to 1963," 1994 [published in Modern Greek Studies Yearbook vol. 14/15 1998/99].

    Olga Ivanova, "Stalin's German Policy and the 'Missed Opportunities' of 1952," 1993 Mark Raphael, "The Intellectual Odyssey of William Appleman Williams," 1992.

    Edith R. Ambrose, "Sarah Towles Reed and the Origins of Teacher Unions in New Orleans," 1991

    Bruce J. Blank, "Camp Plauche: Germans under the Huey P. Long Bridge, 1991.

    c.   Served as initial advisers of, but did not complete committee work due to leave of absence:

    Mark Carson Michael Jones Alejandro Anton

    d.   Directed UNO Honors Thesis

    Jonathan Lumkin, “The Politics of Peace for Vietnam: The Paris Peace Conference 1972/1973 (Spring 2014)

    Sarah Ormes, “A Masterable Past: Swiss Historical Memory of World War II” (Fall 2011)

    Benjamin Linthicum, “Motives for Service in the Armed Forces of the United States; A Comparison Between the Men Who Served During World War II and the Vietnam War" (Spring 2000)

    e.   Advised Innsbruck M.A. theses and doctoral candidates during their UNO stay:

    Martin Kofler, “Berlin, Neutrality, and Cold War Propaganda: Nikita Khrushchev’s Visit in Austria in 1960,” 1998 [published in Contemporary Austrian Studies, vol. VIII (2000) [published as an Innsbruck PhD thesis 2003].

    Gerald Steinacher, "The OSS and 'Operationszone Alpenvorland', 1943-1945," 1996 [published as an Innsbruck PhD thesis in 2000].

    Rainer Fadinger, "Eisenhower's Policy of Anti-Communism in Vietnam, 1953-1961," 1992 [202 pp].

    Alexandra Friedrich, "A Failed Policy of Detente: Richard Nixon and the Vietnam War," 1992 [199 pp].

    f.  PhD Committees

    Jason Engle’s PhD Thesis Proposal “Die Schießstände” and the Roots of Paramilitarism in First Republican Austria,” University of Southern Mississippi [2017]

    John D. Fitzmorris III, “Bearing the Double Burden: Chaplains in Combat during the Vietnam War,” University of Southern Mississippi Department of History 2016

    Eva Maltsching, “Austrian GI Brides after World War II,” Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration [prospectus approved]

    Alexandra Friedrich, “Awakenings: The Impact of the Vietnam War and West German- American Relations in the 1960’s,” Temple University History Department 2000.






List of Publications
