ao. Univ.-Prof. i.R. Mag. Dr. Marianne Klemun
ao. Univ.-Prof. i.R. Mag. Dr.
Marianne Klemun
Department of History
University Vienna
Universitätsring 1
1010 Wien
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Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
Name: Marianne KLEMUN
Date of birth: 9 April 1955
Place of birth: Ruden, Austria
Nationality: Austrian
Marital status: Married
Currently position: Professor (Ao.-Prof.) at the Department of History, Univ. Vienna
Fields of Interest: History of Science, Natural History in a cultural context
School education
- 1963 – 1966 Primary School Ruden, Austria
- 1967 – 1974 Grammar School in Klagenfurt, Austria
University education
- 1974: University of Vienna. Fields of study: History, German Language and Literature, History of Art, and biological and geological subjects.
- 1982: MA in German Language and Literature, History and Teaching
- 1992: PhD in History at the University of Vienna
- 2002: Habilitation and Professor at the Dept. of Modern History of the Univ. of Vienna
Professional Experience
- 1976-1982: Teacher in Adult Education: “German for Foreigners” at state-funded evening schools
- 1977-1982: Numerous training courses and wide experience in the field of “German for Foreigners” in Germany (Nuremberg, etc.)
- 1982: Assistant teacher at a grammar school in Vienna
- 1982-1991 Postdoc at the Department of Modern History, Univ. of Vienna
- 1986-1992: Research in Klagenfurt (Austria), Graz (Austria), Ljubljana (Slovenia), Trieste (Italy), Munich, Berlin, London and Sibiu (Romania)
- 1992-2002: Ass. Prof. at the Department of Mod. History, Univ. of Vienna
- 1997: Board member of the Austrian Society for History of Science
- 1997-2004: Consultant for equal rights for women within the Faculty of Cult. Studies
- Since 2004: Elected Membership in the International Commission on the History of Geological Sciences INHIGEO
- Since 2005-2014: Elected Member of the “Commission for Hist. of Sciences” at the Academy of Sciences (Vienna)
- 2006-2012 Vice Dean of the Faculty of Cultural –History, University in Vienna
- Since 2007 Head and Member of the Group “Öffentlichkeitsarbeit” of the Faculty
- 2007: Visiting Professor at Jena (Germany) and teaching in History of Geology
- 2009-2012: Councellor and Member of the Nominating Committee of the Earth Science Society (USA)
- 2011-2012: Vice Director of the Department of History, University of Vienna
- Since 2016:
Member of the Board of the INHIGEO
Secretary General of the INHIGEO
Head of the Working Group History of Science at the Department
Curated Museum Exhibitions
- 1998: Concept and organisation of the exhibition “Workshop Nature in Carinthia” in the County Museum for Carinthia
- 1999: Concept of the exhibition “Franz Unger’” at the Institute of Ecology and Vegetation Ecology (Faculty of Science and Math.) Vienna
- 2000: Scientific conception of the exhibition “200th Anniversary of the First Ascent of the Grossglockner in Carinthia” , in Carinthia
- 2012-2013: Co-curator of the Exhibition "Gelehrte Objekte" at the Austrian Museum of Ethnology, Vienna
- Botanical Garden at Klagenfurt (Carinthia)
- Centro interuniversitário de História das Ciências e da Tecnologia in Lisbon
- 2010: Wulfen-Price by Carinthian Natural History Society
Social Media
Radio Interview: Gregor Mendel (2016) etc.
Concept of “uni-fiction” Stories (Science communication) about the History of the University of Vienna on the homepage of the University (since 12 March 2014)
Research Interests
- History of science
- history of natural sciences in a cultural context (botany, travelling, botanical gardens, expeditions)
- history of earth science
- Member of the Group „Wissenschaftsgeschichte der Metropole“ (History of science and metropolis) at the Austrian Academy of Sciences (Commission History and Philosophy of Sciences)
- Book (2018/9): Edition and interpretation: the diaries of Franz Hauer
Conference Organisation
- Together with Ana Carneiro: Organisation of the Session: „Textbooks and Handbooks as an Instrument of Power” (Symposium Nr. 41, 10 papers), at: 7th International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science: “Science and Power, Science as Power”, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague, 22–24 September 2016.
- Commentator of 9 papers: “Skulls and roses: natural History collection and their meaning in 18–19th centuries, at: 7th International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science: “Science and Power, Science as Power”, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague, 22–24 September 2016.
- Organisation of the Conference: Eduard Suess (1831–1914). Politik – Wissenschaft – Verantwortung, University of Vienna, 25 April, 2014.
- Organiser of the session ‘Addressing the Dynamics of Museums’, at ‘Science and Technology in the European Periphery’, 9th STEP Meeting, Centro interuniversitário de História das Ciências e da Tecnologia, 1 - 3 September 2014, Lisbon).
- Organiser of the session (with Marita Hübner) ‘Antiquarism – crossing regions, oceans, and field of knowledge’, at Scientiae 2014, Disciplines of Knowing in the Early Modern World’; 23 - 25 April 2014, Juridicum, Vienna.
- Organiser of the symposium ‘Scientific Expeditions: Local Practices and Cosmopolitan Discourses’, with Ulrike Spring (Sogndal, Norwegen), at: 5th International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science: Scientific Cosmopolitanism and Local Cultures: Religions, Ideologies, Societies, at:, 1 - 3 November, 2013, 12 Speakers, Athens.
- Organiser of the session (with Elmar Schübl): ‘Historicized Nature – ‘Naturalized’ History’, at the 13th International Congress for Eighteenth Century Studies, 25 – 29 July 2011, in Graz.
- Organiser of the session ‘”Moved” Natural Objects – Spaces in Between’. 4th International Conference for the History of Science, 18 - 20 November 2010, Barcelona.
- Organiser of the Symposium ‘Unity in Diversity’. Franz Ungers Natural Research in International Context. Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna 2009.
- Organiser of the panel ‘“Bewegte” Naturobjekte – Zwischenräume’, at: Kulturgeschichtetag in Linz, 12 – 15 September 2009.
- Organiser of the symposium (with Ana Carneiro): ‘Seeing and Measuring, Constructing and Judging: Instruments in the History of the Earth Sciences’. Introduction to this symposium with 12 participants; at: XXIII International Congress of Science and Technology (ICHST 2009). ‘Ideas and Instruments in Social Context’, 27 July – 2 August 2009, Budapest.
- Introduction in the Topic (Session Organiser of) “Geological State Surveys: geological Maps as acts of synthesis and as evidences of differing styles of thinking”: ESHS, 3rd International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science, Vienna, September 10–12, 2008.
- Session organizer of (together with Nicolas Robin): “Botany between Knowledge and Science: Images, Interspaces, Experiences and Gender” – Paper: “Systematic botany in the romantic Vienna and ‘Voyages into the flower fields of life’”, at: ISHPSSB (International Society for the History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology) Meeting in Exeter (Centre for Genomics in Society) University of Exeter, July 25–29, 2007.
Professional Service
- Marianne Klemun / Ulrike Spring (Eds.): Scientific Expeditions as Experiments (London, New York, Melbourne: Palgrave & Macmillan 2016).
- Einheit und Vielfalt. Franz Ungers (1800–1870) Konzepte der Naturforschung im internationalen Kontext (Vienna University Press, Göttingen 2016).
- Marianne Klemun, Hubert Szemethy, Fritz Blakolmer und Martina Fuchs (Hg.): 1365 – 2015 – 2065. Etwas andere Geschichten der Universität Wien (Wien 2015). Together with Hubert Szemethy, Fritz Blakolmer und Martina Fuchs, translated from German by Bryan Jenner (Hg.): 1365 – 2015 – 2065. “Once there was a Student“: Other Stories of the University of Vienna (Vienna 2015).
- Marianne Klemun, Hubert Szemethy, Martina Fuchs, Fritz Blakolmer und Matthias Beitl (Hg.): Gelehrte Objekte – Wege zum Wissen. Aus den Sammlungen der Historisch-Kulturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät (= Kataloge des Österreichischen Museums für Volkskunde 2013, 98).
- (As Guest Editor): Moved Natural Objects. Spaces in Between (= Host Journal of History of Science and Technology, Vol. 5, Spring, 2012) online-journal:
- Marianne Klemun / Thomas Hofmann (Hg.): Die k. k. Geologische Reichsanstalt in den ersten Jahrzehnten ihres Wirkens. Neue Zugänge und Forschungsfragen (= Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt 95, Wien 2012).
- Marianne Klemun / Ana Carneiro (Eds.): Seeing and Measuring, Constructing and Judging: Instruments in the History of the Earth Sciences (= Centaurus, An International Journal of the History of Science and its Cultural Aspects, Vol. 53, Issue 2, 2011).
- Wissenschaft und Kolonialismus (Hg): (= Wiener Zeitschrift zur Geschichte der Neuzeit 9/2, 2009).
- Marianne Klemun / Veronika Hofer (Hg.): Bildfunktionen in den Wissenschaften (= Wiener Zeitschrift zur Geschichte der Neuzeit 7/1, 2007).
- Der Hochobir. Aus Natur und Geschichte, Marianne Klemun Hg. (Schriftleitung gem. mit B. Golob, Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein für Kärnten) (Klagenfurt 1999).
- Wiener Beiträge zur Geschichte der Neuzeit, Wien 1983 – 1997.
- Wiener Zeitschrift zur Geschichte der Neuzeit, 1. Jg., 2001 – 10. Jg. 2010.
Fellowship and Membership
- Member of the Board of the Austrian Society of History of Science
- Since 2016:
Member of the Board of the INHIGEO
Secretary General of the INHIGEO
Publications in u:cris
Die österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften 1847–2022. Eine neue Akademiegeschichte. Vol. 1 Wien: Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften (ÖAW), 2022. p. 197-273.
Publications: Contribution to book › Chapter › Peer Reviewed
In: Carinthia II, Vol. 212/132, No. 1, 2022, p. 33-52.
Publications: Contribution to journal › Article
In: Bulletin Geschichtsverein für Kärnten, 2022, p. 85-90.
Publications: Contribution to journal › Article
Balsambeet und Rosenhaag. Paradiese und Kultur der Gärten. ed. / Maria Häusl ; Victor Lossau. Stuttgart, 2021. p. 59–62.
Publications: Contribution to book › Chapter › Peer Reviewed
Balsambeet und Rosenhaag. Paradiese und Kultur der Gärten. ed. / Maria Häusl ; Victor Lossau. Stuttgart, 2021. p. 124–128.
Publications: Contribution to book › Chapter › Peer Reviewed